We are thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our remarkable athletes at the prestigious Roland Garros tournament. This year, two of our talented players, Alisa Oktiabreva and Martín de la Puente, delivered exceptional performances. Their remarkable displays of skill, effort and determination, have left an indelible mark on the tournament, showcasing their incredible talent and dedication to their craft.
Alisa Oktiabreva’s Inspiring Journey
At just 14 years old, Alisa Oktiabreva exceeded expectations with her exceptional performance at Roland Garros Junior. From qualifiers to the main draw, she showcased unwavering determination. Alisa reached the semifinals where she faced the tournament’s champion, Alina Korneeva.
Moreover, Alisa’s remarkable progress is evident in her ascent through the ranks of the ITF Junior ranking. Alisa is currently standing at an impressive 25th position. Her achievements at such a young age are a testament to her exceptional talent and promising future in the world of tennis.
Martín de la Puente’s Notable Milestones
Martín de la Puente, our talented 23-year-old wheelchair tennis player, showcased remarkable prowess at Roland Garros. He achieved a significant milestone by reaching the semifinals in singles for the first time, underscoring his exceptional skills and unwavering dedication to the sport. Furthermore, Martín‘s recent triumph at the Tram Barcelona Open has further fueled his positive momentum.
Additionally, Martín’s journey saw him compete in the doubles final, showcasing his versatility and competitiveness on the court. His remarkable achievements signify his dedication and position him as a rising star in the world of wheelchair tennis.
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